Root Canal Dentist Houston

Tooth Extraction

Best Emergency Tooth Extraction in Houston

Don’t let your dental pain affect your life or get in your way. You can make your life comfortable by speaking to our experienced dentist to know which procedure will work best for you. Don’t think much, and give us a call now to take good care of your teeth. 

Enjoy A Painless Tooth Extraction With Us

Tooth extraction is a process of removal of your tooth due to some diseases, trauma or crowding. Sometimes, you may need to go for an emergency dentist tooth extraction to resolve different dental issues when you think it becomes challenging to maintain or restore them. The dentist may suggest you extract your damaged tooth in order to improve the overall health of the oral cavity. Some of the common issues that may lead to teeth extractions are:

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is a harmful bacterial infection that can lead to the loss of tissue and bone supporting your tooth. By opting for emergency dentist tooth extraction solutions offered by Texas Emergency Dentists, you can prevent the spread of the infection.

Tooth Decay

Severe tooth decay condition. This can affect your underlying nerve, and it may not be treated with RCT- Root Canal Therapy or using antibiotics.

Overcrowding of Teeth

Overcrowding of teeth or improperly positioned teeth. With teeth extraction, you can create more space for your new teeth, and this may also help in proper teeth alignment. If you have the above-mentioned issues and feel severe toothache, then it’s time to consult the best dentists at Texas Emergency Dentists.


Emergency Surgical Tooth Extraction

In general, surgical teeth extraction is a common surgical procedure. This is a procedure when your dentist removes bone or gum tissue to extract your teeth. The procedure requires multiple stitches so that it can heal properly and fast. Texas Emergency Dentists has highly experienced as well as qualified doctors who offer the best tooth extraction services at reasonable prices. Besides, after the procedure, they also suggest the best pain medication.

In most cases, wisdom teeth may face a surgical extraction as these teeth are not vented in your mouth. Your dentist will cut the bone and tissue. Surgical tooth extraction may be needed to remove root tips, teeth with curved roots or to remove broken-down teeth. No matter what type of dental issue you are dealing with, at Texas Emergency Dentists, you will always enjoy the best emergency dentist tooth extraction at reasonable prices. We have well-trained and skilled dentists along with advanced dental technology to offer the best dental extraction procedures. Get in touch with us now for more detail.

Tooth Extraction Procedure

If multiple tooth extractions are required, you will have to decide with the dentist at Texas Emergency Dentists about whether the extraction will be done one at a time or all at the same. Based on the extraction requirement, sedation may vary from a general anesthetic that will make you sedated for a few hours to a local anesthetic that will numb the area.
After the tooth extraction procedure, bleeding is normal, and your dentist will apply gauze to the extraction site; you may need to change that throughout the day for around two days. Your dentist will also prescribe some pain medicines to lower the pain and discomfort. Our dentist will also offer you a safe dental cleaning solution to clean the extraction site.
If you think the extracted site is not healing properly and you are facing prolonged irritation, bleeding or pain after the extraction, don’t waste your time and contact Texas Emergency Dentists now.


After the procedure, a blood clot will form in the gum. You need to keep the blood clot protected as it will help you with healing. If it breaks or the clot dislodges, it will expose the extracted gum, and that can lead to a dry socket. If it happens, then it will severely affect your healing process and also cause pain or bad breath. Once the effect of the anesthesia goes down, you will feel a little discomfort. Besides, you will have residual bleeding along with swelling for around 24 hours after the tooth extraction. If your bleeding doesn’t stop after four to five hours of the procedure, then consult your dentist as soon as possible. You also need to watch out for redness, infection symptoms and excessive discharge and more. 

When the gaps in between the teeth are left unfilled, they can make the surrounding teeth shift and weaken the structure. That’s why your dentist will fill the spaces with dental implants, bridges and veneers. All such dental solutions can work. So, you should speak to your emergency dentist tooth extraction to understand which one is perfect for you. 

Your lower back tooth will be more difficult to extract as it will require an intravenous injection, and that can be a little painful. On the other hand, it will be a lot easier for your dentist to extract compared to maxillary teeth as the alveolus is quite brittle compared to the maxilla. 

In general, tooth extraction can take around one to two weeks to heal. However, if it prolongs, then it is advisable to consult a professional dentist immediately.